World Class Education
Hickam Elementary School curriculum stresses the development of a strong foundation of skills and content based on state curriculum standards. The Common Core State Standards are what the student should know and be able to do. The standards give specifics that help answer the questions “What does good performance look like?” and “How good is good enough?” They represent what is expected of students at benchmark grade levels.
General Learner Outcomes (GLOs) are the over-arching goals of standards-based learning for all students in all grade levels. Observable behaviors, which are demonstrated in daily classroom activities, are evidence of GLOs. Student effort, work habits, and behavior is important and they must be evaluated separately from academic performance in the content areas (in accordance with Board of Education Policy 4501: Assessing/Grading Student Performance).
The six GLOs are:
- Self-Directed Learner: The ability to be responsible for one’s own learning.
- Community Contributor: The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together.
- Complex Thinker: The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.
- Quality Producer: The ability to recognize and produce quality performance and quality products.
- Effective Communicator: The ability to communicate effectively.
- Effective and Ethical User of Technology: The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically.
Reading Wonders is a program that combines research-based instruction with new tools to meet today's challenges. Every component and every lesson in Wonders is designed for effective and efficient CCSS (Common Core State Standards) instruction. The program provides support for:
- Building a strong reading foundation
- Accessing complex text
- Finding and using text evidence
- Engaging in collaborative conversations
- Writing to sources
Using a rich range of diverse print and digital media, Wonders provides the instructional support and materials in a program that was created to teach the rigor, intent, and depth of the new Common Core State Standards.
GoMath is a program with lessons designed to fully facilitate conceptual development, as students work from introduction to mastery of each content standard listed in the Common Core. Throughout the lessons, students will use manipulatives, models, quick pictures, and symbols as they apply Mathematical Practices to build understanding. Students are expected to actively engage in reasoning during instruction, so they are prepared to transition from concept or skills comprehension to solving problems in contextual situations.
We are utilizing the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which are K–12 science content standards. Standards set the expectations for what students should know and be able to do. The NGSS were developed by states to improve science education for all students. A goal for developing the NGSS was to create a set of research-based, up-to-date K–12 science standards. These standards give local educators the flexibility to design classroom learning experiences that stimulate students’ interests in science and prepares them for college, careers, and citizenship.
Hickam Elementary School is integrating the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards. C3 was developed for states to upgrade their state social studies standards and for practitioners — local school districts, schools, teachers and curriculum writers — to strengthen their social studies programs. Its objectives are to: a) enhance the rigor of the social studies disciplines; b) build critical thinking, problem-solving, and participatory skills to become engaged citizens; and c) align academic programs to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies.
Hickam students will receive an education program consisting of Hawaiian language, culture, and history.
All HES students are required to participate in health education, which includes a focus on knowledge and skills that support healthy lifestyles and are aligned with the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards for health education.
The ultimate goal of physical education (PE) is to equip our students with the knowledge and skills to live a healthy and fit lifestyle. Our program is an integral part of the total education of every student from Preschool to Sixth Grade. The goal of PE is to improve physical fitness, skills and motor development, teaching self-discipline, stress reduction and experience setting goals. By doing this, we prepare students with the tools to be physically and mentally healthy for life. We hope your child will have a positive experience in this year’s PE program.
Our school’s Music program is rooted in the philosophy that the Fine Arts are an integral part of a child’s development. Due to this belief, general music classes are held once a week for all students. The curricular focus is on HCPSIII (Hawai’i Content and Performance Standards- in the area of Fine Arts – Music). In addition, there are after-school classes for the following ensembles: Hickam Elementary School Chorus and the Kani Le’a Select Chorus.
Learning to use technology is essential to prepare our students to become future leaders. At Hickam Elementary, the accessibility to digital learning will be through:
- Mobile labs
- Computer labs
- Web-based curriculum and instruction
- Computer Programs (i.e. Cospaces)
- Online productivity tools (i.e. GAFE-Google Apps For Education)
Hickam Elementary School is committed to developing a college readiness culture. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is program that focuses on teaching the philosophies, strategies, as well as skills and behaviors that prepare all students for college readiness and success in a global society. The AVID experience at Hickam Elementary School will include the following four components: Student Success Skills, Organization Skills, WICOR Lessons, Partnerships.
STEAM is an acronym referring to the academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. STEAM challenges students to learn and apply the content and skills across the board with real-life projects that not only use, but create up-to-date discoveries. At Hickam Elementary, STEAM education incorporates the “A” for the arts – recognizing that to be successful in technical fields, individuals must also be creative and use critical thinking skills which are best developed through exposure to the arts.
Gifted & Talented
At Hickam Elementary School, the personalized approach to learning helps gifted and talented elementary students grow—and thrive. Special gifted and talented classes, combined with a personalized learning plan, enable exceptional students to work above grade level and achieve their highest potential in the elementary gifted and talented program. The HES Gifted and Talented program includes inquiry-based learning and provides opportunities for students to research and problem solve across the curriculum.